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X-Ray for Authors: Tips and Tricks

X-Ray is a unique Kindle eBook feature that allows readers to learn more about a character, topic, event, place, or any other term, simply by pressing and holding on the word or phrase that interests them. Even a few descriptive words can make a big difference to the reader as they try and situate characters or learn more about events or other terms.

Here are some examples:

  • Character. "Ahab" – possible X-Ray content: "The Captain of the ship hunting Moby Dick."
  • Term. "Social media marketing" – possible X-Ray content: "Use of social media and websites to promote a product or service."
  • Event. "The coronation" – possible X-Ray content: "The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II which took place on June 2, 1953."
  • Place. "Mexico City" – possible X-Ray content: "Destination of my first international trip which inspired my love for travel."

Entries can be as long as 1,200 characters, but even short descriptions are useful for readers. Where no content has been provided by the author, and where possible for us to find, we automatically create X-Ray entries using a range of publicly available sources, machine learning, and manual review.

Learn more about getting started with the tool.

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