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My identity verification failed

When verifying your identity, you’ll be required to submit an ID and confirm your account details. Verification can fail for multiple reasons. Below are the common rejection reasons and how to fix them.

Note: If you're getting repeated errors while uploading your ID, we recommend taking a new photo of your ID and following these tips. Blurry photos, paper versions of your ID, or damaged IDs can cause issues during verification.

Common mistakes when verifying your identity

Rejection Reason Error Message How to Fix
Country mismatch You chose to use an ID issued by {Country}. Make sure you chose the correct country and try again. Based on the ID you're submitting, be sure to select the correct country that issued the ID. If you select Canada but upload a passport from Mexico, you'll receive this error.
ID type mismatch You chose to use a {ID Type} as an ID. Make sure you chose the right ID type and try again. Based on the ID you're submitting, be sure to select the correct ID type (i.e. driver's license, passport). If you select passport, but then upload a driver's license, you'll receive this error.
Expired ID You'll need to provide an unexpired ID to verify your identity. Use another ID that is not expired, and try again.
Name mismatch You'll need to use an ID that matches {your name}. The name on your KDP account (i.e. Identity) has to match the name on your ID.
Blurry photo of the ID Make sure the photo is in focus and you can see the entire ID. If the photo of your ID is blurry or unreadable, we recommend taking another photo of your ID. Make sure the ID is laying flat on a surface. Allow your camera to focus. If needed, zoom in or out to make the image clearer.

For tips on taking photos of your ID, visit our Help article.
Glare To reduce glare, move away from the direct light. Glare usually happens when light is angled towards the ID and reflects off the lamination. We recommend taking a photo of your ID using natural light (i.e. during the day), in a well-lit room.

For tips on taking photos of your ID, visit our Help article.
Barcode not visible Make sure the photo of your ID is in focus and you can see the entire barcode. It's important your ID photo includes all required information. Make sure the image isn't cropped and displays the whole ID.
Identical front and back photos It looks like the same photo was used for the front and back of your ID. You'll need to provide photos of the front and back of your ID. Make sure to include an image of both the ID's front and back before trying again.
Age (18+) If you're under 18, you may use Amazon Services only with involvement of a parent or guardian. A parent or guardian who is over 18 must submit their ID in order to proceed. We can only verify identities for individuals over 18 years old. A parent or guardian who is over 18 must update the Identity of the KDP account using their information.
Generic / System Issue We're having trouble verifying your identity. Sometimes the system will have an issue processing your submission. Try verifying your identity again.

If the issue persists, use a different ID.

If you continue to have issues with the photo of your ID (e.g., glare or blurry results), sometimes it’s easier to use a different ID. Consult our Help article on Accepted IDs for identity verification. We also recommend uploading a JPEG/JPG or PNG file for better processing.

If you need help taking a photo of your ID, read our article: Taking photos of your ID.

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