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Series Collections on kdp.amazon.co.jp

Note: This page is only applicable to accounts in kdp.amazon.co.jp.

If you use kdp.amazon.co.jp, follow this page to set up your books in the series and then contact us to create a series in the Japanese marketplace.

Requirements for Series Collection

To create or update a series, ensure all books in the series meet these requirements:

  • Must be published through KDP.
  • Must have the correct name in the Series name field.
  • Must have the correct number in the Series number field
    • For an ordered series, the number should reflect the order of the book in the series.
      • Note: A series number can’t be zero or a decimal.
    • For an unordered series, you can leave this field blank and your publications will be arranged by the original publication date.
  • Must have the exact series name, and series number (for ordered series) in one of the following places. For example, "This is the second book in The Lord of the Rings series":
    • Book cover
    • Interior (Look Inside)
    • Product description (metadata)
    • Editorial reviews
    • Your official website (if you have one)
    • Goodreads
    • A+ content
  • Must be available to buy. If your series contains a book that becomes unavailable, your books will be removed from sale as a series until all books in the series are available to buy again.
  • Must be the same language.

Note: Prequels, short stories, and novellas won't be added to Series Collections.

If your series contains a book that's in pre-order, we can't support 1-click bulk buys for your Series Collection page. Readers can still buy all books in your series from the Series Collection page on an individual basis.

Create or update a Series Collection

To create or update a Series Collection, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf and click Create new title. For existing titles, go to your Bookshelf and click the ellipsis button ("...") under the "eBook Actions" or "Paperback Actions" menu next to your book. Then, choose Edit eBook Details or Edit Paperback Details accordingly.
  2. In the Book Title field, enter the title of your book. For example, The Two Towers.
  3. In the Subtitle (optional) field, provide the subtitle if it exists. If the book does not have a subtitle, leave it blank. Don't add any series information in this field.
  4. Under Series, in the Series name field, enter the name of the series. For example, The Lord of the Rings. To ensure all books in your series appear on the Series Collection page, you must use the exact series name for all books. For example, The Lord of the Rings does not match Lord of the Rings
  5. In the Series number field, enter the series number for the book. eBooks in an ordered series without a series number won't appear on your Series Collection page. If you're creating an unordered series (US only), you can leave this field blank and your titles will appear by publication date.
  6. After you publish or republish all eBooks in the series with accurate series information, contact us with the list of ASINs you want us to include on the Series Collection page.

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