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Create A+ Content

Follow these instructions to create, publish, and manage A+ Content.


A+ Content Manager

You can create and edit A+ Content from the A+ Content Manager page.

To go to the A+ Content Manager page:
  1. Go to the KDP Marketing page.
  2. Scroll to the A+ Content section.
  3. Choose a marketplace.
  4. Click Manage A+ Content.
  5. This will take you to the A+ Content Manager page to follow the prompts to create A+ Content.

Create content

We recommend reviewing our Content Guidelines to learn what Amazon allows in A+ Content before you get started.

To create A+ Content:

Get started

From the A+ Content Manager page, click Start creating A+ content to start new A+ Content or search for an ASIN or product name to edit existing A+ Content.

Enter content details

Enter these content details:
  • Content name. Enter a name to identify the content. When entering a name consider specific marketing campaigns and seasonality.
  • Language. Choose the language in which your A+ Content is written. This section is required.

Add modules

From the Create your content section, click Add module to choose a module. After you've selected a module, it's added to the content layout. To add another module, click Add module again. To learn more about the different modules and layouts, view our A+ Content examples. After you've added modules to your layout, you can:
  • Re-order/remove modules. Use the icons in the upper right-hand corner of the module to move a module up or down. You can also click the X to remove a module. If you want to remove a module, there will be a prompt to confirm that action.
  • Add images. Click Click to add image to drag and drop or upload an image from your computer. We won’t re-size images, so please ensure the image file is sized correctly.
  • Add text. You can type directly into the module text fields or copy and paste text from a file on your computer.
Ensure your images and text meets our A+ Content guidelines. After you complete your A+ Content layout, click Next: Apply ASINs.

Apply ASINs

Under Add ASINs, search for ASINs to apply the A+ content you created to those product detail pages. You can only add ASINs from your KDP account. If you add an ASIN that's not on your Bookshelf, you'll receive an error message. After you add an ASIN, it will appear in the Applied ASINs section. To make it easier to add multiple formats of your book, you can add multiple ASINs to one project. Click Apply ASINs after your selection is complete. When the selection is successful, we'll notify you at the top of the page.

Click Next: Review and Submit to complete the process and submit for final approval.

Review and submit

You can preview content before submitting on desktop and mobile devices. When you're ready to publish, click Submit for approval. All content in compliance with our A+ Content Guidelines will appear on your detail page within eight business days. If your content requires changes, we'll send you an email with further instructions.

Note: During periods of high volume, the timeline to review your A+ Content may be extended.

Format images

For the best results, save images as JPG or PNG with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch). Any image containing less than 200 DPI is considered low resolution.

If you don't know if your images are high resolution, check the image details and calculate the DPI:
  1. Right-click on the image file and select Properties.
  2. In the window that opens, click the Details tab.
  3. Look for the number of pixels under the "Image" header.
  4. Divide the number of pixels by the image size. For example, if the pixel count of your image is 1200 width x 1800 height, and the image is 4" x 6". That means your image has 300 DPI.
To increase the quality of stock photography, purchase a "print quality" or "commercial quality" image. Manually altering the DPI of an image on your computer may display a higher DPI reading but will not actually increase the quality of the image. If the image says 300 DPI, but it looks blurry or pixelated, either the DPI was manually altered, or the image is out of focus. If the image's DPI was altered, it will not accurately reflect the resolution because it is not possible to add dots or pixels to an image.

Update content

If your A+ Content requires changes, you'll need to make changes and resubmit your A+ Content.

To submit updates:
  1. From the A+ Content Manager page, search for the ASIN you want to edit.
  2. Click the Content name.
  3. Input your changes.
  4. Click Apply ASINs.
  5. Click Submit for approval.
All content in compliance with our A+ Content Guidelines will appear on your detail page within eight business days. If your content requires changes, we'll send you an email with further instructions.

Duplicate content

To easily create new content, you can duplicate existing A+ Content.

To duplicate content:
  1. From the A+ Content Manager page, search for the ASIN you want to duplicate.
  2. Click the Content name.
  3. Click the Actions drop-down.
  4. Click Duplicate.
  5. Provide a new Content name for the content.
  6. Click View duplicated content.
We'll copy all content to the duplicated version, including the module layout for you to edit.

Delete and suspend content

You can delete or suspend A+ content in your A+ Content Manger.
  • Suspend. Removes published A+ Content from your detail page(s), but the content remains visible in A+ Content Manager for you to edit or re-publish the content later.
  • Delete. Removes published A+ Content from your detail page(s) and permanently removes the project in A+ Content Manager. If you delete A+ Content, you can't recover it later.
To delete content:
  1. From the A+ Content Manager page, search for the ASIN you want to delete.
  2. Click the Content name.
  3. Click the Actions drop-down.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click Confirm.
To suspend content:
  1. From the A+ Content Manager page, search for the ASIN you want to suspend.
  2. Click the Content name.
  3. Click the Actions drop-down.
  4. Click Suspend.
  5. Click Confirm.

Publish in different Amazon marketplaces

After A+ content is published, if your book is available in multiple marketplaces, we identify other marketplaces that support the language of your A+ content and copy a draft of that content into the applicable marketplaces where your book is live. Drafts are copied as shown in the table below. After the draft is copied, you can publish the content in each marketplace where you would like it displayed.

Original marketplace and languageCopy as draft to
Amazon.com in EnglishAmazon.ca, .co.uk, .de, .in, .com.au in English
Amazon.com in SpanishAmazon.com.mx and .es in Spanish
Amazon.ca in EnglishAmazon.com in English
Amazon.ca in FrenchAmazon.fr in French
Amazon.com.mx in SpanishAmazon.com and .es in Spanish
Amazon.co.uk in EnglishAmazon.com, .ca, .de, .in, and .com.au in English
Amazon.de in DutchAmazon.nl in Dutch
Amazon.de in EnglishAmazon.co.uk in English
Amazon.nl in DutchAmazon.de in Dutch
Amazon.es in SpanishAmazon.com and .com.mx in Spanish
Amazon.in in EnglishAmazon.com, co.uk, .ca, and .com.au in English
Amazon.com.au in EnglishAmazon.com, co.uk, .ca, and .in in English

Readers will see A+ Content depending on their language of preference. For example, if you publish A+ Content in Spanish on Amazon.com, only readers with Spanish as their language of preference on Amazon.com will see the content. See the list of supported languages by marketplace in the table below.

MarketplaceSupported Languages
Amazon.com in EnglishAmazon.ca, .co.uk, .de, .in, .com.au in English
Amazon.comEnglish, Spanish, Hebrew
Amazon.caEnglish, French
Amazon.deGerman, Czech, Turkish, Polish, Dutch, English
Amazon.nlDutch, English
Amazon.inEnglish, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam
Amazon.co.jpJapanese, Simplified Chinese, English

To publish copied content:
  1. Go to the KDP Marketing page.
  2. Scroll to the A+ Content section.
  3. Choose the applicable marketplace.
  4. Click Manage A+ Content. This will take you to the A+ Content Manager page for that marketplace.
  5. Check the Show auto-created content box.
  6. Click the Content name.
  7. Follow the steps to create A+ Content.
  8. Click Submit for approval when you're ready to publish.

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