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Hyperlink Guidelines

Internal Link Guidelines

Internal links can be used to link separate content within the book. Some examples of this include:

  • Links from the book-level table of contents to each individual chapter (see details)
  • Links from a chapter-level table of contents to subchapters or chapter sections
  • Links to an appendix or glossary
  • Footnotes

Amazon requires formatting footnotes with bi-directional hyperlinks (the text is linked to the footnote and the footnote is linked back to the text). This makes it easier for customers to return to the text after viewing the footnote. On some devices, the footnote is displayed in a pop-up window.

To avoid unintended footnote pop-ups, internal links that are not footnotes should not be formatted with bi-directional hyperlinks (A links to B and B links to A). Non-footnote links should use the format A links to B and B links to C instead. For example, links from a chapter-level table of contents to a chapter section should link back to the chapter heading.

Internal hyperlinks are not currently supported on E-reader devices in fixed-layout books.

External Link Guidelines

External links within Kindle books should be present only if they directly enhance the reader experience and the content of the title as determined by Amazon. Some examples of this include:

  • Links to previous or subsequent books in a series
  • Links to multimedia content directly related the content of title
  • Links to additional ancillary material (e.g., checklists, assessment forms, craft patterns, and similar printable materials)
  • Links to topical websites (e.g., link to Whitehouse.gov in a Kindle book about the American government)
  • Social media related to the book or author (e.g., Twitter hashtag)

To ensure future access to reference material, Amazon strongly recommends submitting these types of links to an archive service and including the archived link in the eBook.

  • Options for presenting archival links include following the main link as "webpage archive" or "archived web content." Archival links can also be provided in a footnote or endnote.

To ensure that links are understandable to all readers, include a self-describing link title in addition to the URL. Self-describing link titles provide the reader with specific context of what the link will open. Avoid phrases such as "click here," "see more," or "additional details". Also avoid repetitive links within the same page of content.

Some examples of prohibited links include:

  • Links to pornography
  • Links to commercial eBook store sites other than Amazon
  • Links to web forms that request customer information (e.g., email address, physical address or similar)
  • Links to illegal, harmful, infringing, or offensive content
  • Links that are malicious in intent (e.g., virus, phishing, or similar)

External hyperlinks are not currently supported on E-reader devices in fixed-layout books. Amazon reserves the right to remove links in its sole discretion. Deactivate external hyperlinks that are broken due to forces outside of your control and add text such as "(URL inactive)" after the link text.

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