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Print Options

Before you upload your manuscript and cover to KDP, you'll choose your ink and paper type, trim size, bleed setting, and cover finish.

Visit Paperback Printing Cost for details about how we calculate printing cost for paperbacks. For hardcover printing costs, visit Hardcover Printing Cost.

Ink and paper type

You can choose between these ink and paper options:



Black ink and 50-61 pound (74-90 GSM) cream paper

Black ink and 50-61 pound (74-90 GSM) cream paper

Black ink and 50-61 pound (74-90 GSM) white paper

Black ink and 50-61 pound (74-90 GSM) white paper

Premium color ink and 60-71 pound (88-105 GSM) white paper

Premium color ink and 60-71 pound (88-105 GSM) white paper

Standard color interior with 50-61 pound (74-90 GSM) white paper

Not available

Note that paper weight varies based on printing location.

Black ink books can be printed on cream or white paper. Books with color ink are printed on white paper, which shows a higher contrast for images and graphics.

When choosing your ink and paper type:

  • Choose a color ink option if any images in your book are supposed to print in color. For paperbacks, you can choose between premium color and standard color. Standard color ink is not available for hardcover.
  • Set up a separate book on your KDP Bookshelf if you have a black-and-white and color version of your book.
  • Remember that the cost for books printed in color is higher. Paper type doesn't affect printing costs.

Trim size

You can choose from a variety of trim sizes (check the table below for a list of common trim sizes, as well as minimum and maximum page count by size).

The most common trim size for books in the U.S. is 6" x 9" (152.4 x 228.6 mm) and is a regular trim size. When setting up your book, this is the default in the "Print Options" section of the Content tab. If you want a different trim size, click Select a different size.

There are different printing costs for regular and large trim size books. A large trim size is either more than 6.12 inches (155.5 mm) in width or more than 9 inches (228.6 mm) in height.

For paperbacks, you can also enter your own custom trim size. Width must be within 4"-8.5" (10.16-21.59 cm). Height must be within 6"-11.69" (15.24-29.69 cm).

Note: All specifications below are shown width by height.

Trim size specifications (width x height) with minimum and maximum page counts (kdp.amazon.com)

Trim size specifications (width x height) with minimum and maximum page counts (kdp.amazon.co.jp)

Cover finish

Our covers are printed on 80 pound (220 GSM) white paper stock with either glossy or matte finish:

  • Glossy finish is shiny. It makes black covers darker and artwork more striking. It's typical for textbooks, children's books, and nonfiction.
  • Matte finish has minimal sheen and a subtle, polished look. It's typical for novels and other fiction.

Note: Hardcover books are printed as case laminate. For more information, visit Hardcover Print Elements.

Environmental consciousness

Environmental consciousness is important to us. As a manufacture-on-demand company, we produce units as they're ordered, which reduces excess production. We also maintain a commitment to recycling waste materials resulting from the printing process and from daily office operations, and we will continue to review our practices to ensure we are doing our part to protect the environment.

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