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Delete a series

To take down your Amazon Series page, you’ll need to first remove any books in the series and then delete the series from your KDP Bookshelf. Removing books from your series or deleting your series, will not impact the individual book detail pages or availability of those titles.

Watch our video, which explains how to edit and delete a series:

Remove book from series

To remove a book from a series:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Find a book in the series.
  3. Click Manage series.
  4. Scroll to the book in the series you want to remove and click Series Actions.
  5. Choose Remove from series.

Delete Series

To delete a series:

  1. Follow the instructions to remove the titles from your series.
  2. From the Manage series page, click Manage series.
  3. Choose Delete Series.
  4. Click Delete series to delete the Amazon series page and remove the series from your KDP account. After you delete a series, you won't be able to view the Series Manager page.

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