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Paperback Submission Guidelines

These guidelines are for designers of paperbacks with full-color covers, with any interior type.

For help formatting your paperback manuscript, see our guides for Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Word for Mac and Pages for Mac. You can also try our Kindle Create tool to format your paperback interiors.

Title creation limit

To ensure a positive customer experience, we limit the number of titles you can create at the same time and within a specific period of time. If you expect to regularly create a large number of titles, please contact us to inquire about an exception.

File guidelines


  • Bleed: If your book has images or elements that bleed to the edges of your pages, you must upload your manuscript as a PDF.
  • No Bleed: If your book does not contain bleed, you can upload your manuscript as a PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, HTML, or TXT file. KDP will automatically convert these file types to PDF prior to publishing/printing.
  • Note: For Japanese, Hebrew, Latin or Yiddish, you can only upload PDF.


You can create your book cover using KDP’s Cover Creator tool or submit your book cover in a PDF. (Cover Creator accepts JPG, PNG, and GIF file formats.)

File specifications

  • Ensure file size is not more than 650MB.
  • Embed all fonts and images in your native file prior to submission.
  • Flatten transparent objects and layers in the native file before publishing.
  • Submitted files should not contain crop marks, trim marks, bookmarks, comments, invisible objects, annotations, placeholder text, or metadata.
  • All images (both cover and manuscript) should be at least 300 DPI.
  • Optimize PDFs. Optimization is useful to reduce your file size, allowing for higher performance when transferring, uploading, viewing, and printing the files.

Common points of failure

  • Not flattening transparent objects and/or layers in the native file
  • Locked or encrypted files
  • Files with crop marks*, trim marks, bookmarks, comments, invisible objects, annotations, placeholder text, or metadata
  • Missing pages
  • Excessive blank pages
  • Title missing on the front cover
  • Barcode missing
  • Incorrect pagination
  • PDF creation logos or watermarks
  • *Crop marks are lines showing where pages should be trimmed.

Cover specifications

Calculating cover size

To format your paperback cover, you’ll first need to calculate the spine measurements (black and white books, color books).

Insert the spine measurements, selected trim size width and height, and the 0.125" (3.2 mm) bleed requirement into the following equations to find your cover size:
  • Cover Width = Bleed + Back Cover Width + Spine Width + Front Cover Width + Bleed
  • Cover Height = Bleed + Trim Height + Bleed

Cover formatting

  • Covers should be one continuous image centered left to right on the spine.
  • Flatten all layers in the native file.
  • Bleed of 0.125" (3.2 mm) is required on all sides. Bleed at the bottom of the page cannot exceed 0.125" (3.2 mm).
  • Any content you don’t intend to be trimmed off should be a minimum of 0.25" (6.4 mm) from the outside cover edge.
  • Embed all fonts on the cover in the native program before publishing.

Spine measurements for black and white books

  • White paper: page count x 0.002252" (0.0572 mm)
  • Cream paper: page count x 0.0025" (0.0635 mm)

Spine measurements for color books

  • Color paper: page count x 0.002347" (0.0596 mm)

Spine text

We only print spine text on books with more than 79 pages. Text on larger spines must be sized to fit the spine, with at least 0.0625" (1.6 mm) of space between the text and the edge of the spine. Every book varies slightly when bound. Allow for 0.0625" (1.6 mm) variance on either side of the fold lines for your cover


You can upload a cover with or without a barcode. If you choose not to provide your own barcode, we'll automatically place one on your back cover. Learn more about barcodes.

Interior specifications

Page spreads

We require single page files (as opposed to spreads or 2-up files).

Page size

No bleed
Set the page size to your selected trim size (width by height).

Interior full bleed
  • If you want your images to bleed to the edges of your pages, extend them 0.125" (3.2 mm) beyond the final trim size from the top, bottom, and outer edges of your manuscript.
  • Format your PDF manuscript at 0.25" (6.4 mm) higher and 0.125" (3.2 mm) wider than your selected trim size in order to print the full bleed area.


  • Minimum font size: 7 points
  • All fonts in the interior files should be embedded in the native program before publishing.

Image resolution

Minimum resolution of 300 DPI. There is no set maximum DPI for images, however, images with excessively high resolutions may result in files timing out during processing, or may cause manufacturing delays. We recommend a maximum resolution of 600 DPI, to keep your total file size under 650MB.


  • Order all page numbers sequentially, with even numbers on left pages and odd numbers on the right for the left to right content, and with even numbers on right pages and odd numbers on the left for the right to left content.
  • You can use Roman numerals to indicate the beginning of the manuscript, and then continue with standard page numbering.
  • You may continue page numbering from a previous book in a subsequent volume of a series as long as the series name and volume number are clearly labeled.
  • We allow scanned content with sequential original page numbering clearly visible in the footer of the manuscript file.

Page count

We’ll calculate your page count based on your manuscript file, rounding up to an even number if necessary. The minimum page count is 24 pages, and the maximum page count depends on ink, paper, and trim size options.

Trim size specifications (width x height) with minimum and maximum page counts (kdp.amazon.com)

Trim size specifications (width x height) with minimum and maximum page counts(kdp.amazon.co.jp)

Margins and alignment

Based on your book’s page count, the minimum margin requirements are below:

Page countInside (gutter) marginsOutside margins (no bleed)Outside margins (with bleed)
24 to 150 pages0.375" (9.6 mm)at least 0.25" (6.4 mm)at least 0.375" (9.6mm)
151 to 300 pages0.5" (12.7 mm)at least 0.25" (6.4 mm)at least 0.375" (9.6 mm)
301 to 500 pages0.625" (15.9 mm)at least 0.25" (6.4 mm) at least 0.375" (9.6 mm)
501 to 700 pages0.75" (19.1 mm)at least 0.25" (6.4 mm)at least 0.375" (9.6 mm)
701 to 828 pages0.875" (22.3 mm)at least 0.25" (6.4 mm)at least 0.375" (9.6 mm)

Grayscale fill

If you‘ve selected black ink and white or cream paper for a book containing gray backgrounds, we recommend a minimum grayscale fill of 10%.

Line width

If your book contains lines (i.e., a chart, table or graphic element), give the lines a minimum thickness/weight of 0.75 point or 0.01" (0.3 mm).

Reading direction

For most languages, KDP only supports books formatted to read from left to right (LTR). Currently, we only support right-to-left (RTL) paperback printing in Hebrew, Yiddish and Japanese. To learn more, see our supported languages.


All pages and content must be oriented the same way. Pages can contain some upside down text as long as the rest of the page contents are right-side up (e.g., a book of riddles with answers printed upside down on the page).

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