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Kindle Vella - Publish an Episode

Share your story by publishing one short episode at a time.


Publish an episode

After you create a story, you can publish episodes.

To publish an episode:
  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Select the story to which you want to add an episode.
  3. Click Create new episode or Continue episode.
  4. Type or import your episode text.
  5. Choose your release date.
  6. Click Publish.

Update an episode

You can edit a published episode at any time for corrections and minor changes. However, merging episodes and republishing as a new story or adding or removing large amounts of content from previously published episodes is not allowed. Review the Kindle Vella - Content Guidelines and our Guide to Kindle Content Quality for more guidance on episode updates.

To edit an episode:
  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Click Manage your story.
  3. Select the episode you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit Episode.
  5. Enter your changes.
  6. Click Publish.

Edit a scheduled episode

You can edit Kindle Vella episodes up to four days ahead of the scheduled release date.

To edit a scheduled episode:
  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Find the story you want to edit, and click Manage your story.
  3. Click the Edit Episode button on the episode you want to edit.
  4. Make your changes, and click Save when complete.
You won’t be able to edit your episode if the status is In Review, however, you can make changes again once the review is complete. Make sure to review all of your changes before saving the updates, as your updated episode will also be reviewed.

Delete an episode

You can't delete episodes that have been submitted for publication. You can delete a Draft episode to remove it from your Kindle Vella Library. After you delete an episode, we can't reinstate it for you.

To delete a draft episode:
  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Click Manage your story.
  3. Go to episode you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete draft.
  5. Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the episode.

Tell us about your episode

Episode detailsDescription
Episode title (optional)Enter a name for your episode. An episode title isn’t required. If you don't include a title, episodes will be titled by number. For example, Episode 1.

Note: We add episode numbers automatically, based on the order they're created.
Episode contentImport your episode from a Microsoft Word document (DOC/DOCX) or type it directly in the online editor.

Note: We recommend using DOCX for the best experience.

Episodes must be in English and between 600-5,000 words.

The following formatting is supported:
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Strikethrough
  • Bulleted / unordered lists
  • Numbered/ ordered lists
  • Block quote
  • Alignment
  • Emoji

The following formatting is not currently supported:
  • Indented paragraphs
  • Headings
  • Images
  • Charts
  • Tables
  • Special characters
Author Notes (optional)Add Author Notes to share additional details or behind-the-scenes thinking with your readers. This is your opportunity to communicate directly with readers in your own voice.

You can use Author Notes to:
  • Give insight to readers on your writing process
  • Share details on a character's development
  • Share teasers to get readers excited for the next episode
This is a tool to build engagement with your story, so avoid including any links or prompting readers to leave the reading experience.

Author Notes appear after the episode and can't exceed 200 words. These notes are not included in your episode word count.

HTML is not supported.

Author Notes must comply with our content guidelines.

Interact with readers in episode comments

You can add comment to your episode, read, like, and/or reply to episode comments to engage with your readers.
  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Click Manage your story
  3. Select View Comments to be directed to the list of episodes.
  4. Choose an episode from the list to open the comments. You’ll find the number of comments next to the episode name.
  5. Read, add comments to your episodes, like, and/or reply to readers’ comments. Your comments and replies will display with the profile name of “The Author.” You can also flag offensive or explicit content by tapping the flag icon in the comment.
  6. To go to another episode, choose from the episode list.
Note: The View comments button only appears if the story has a least one published available episode.

Add or remove an episode poll

Polls are an opportunity to interact with your readers, get feedback, and increase your reader engagement.

You can include a poll in any episode, prior to publishing. Polls cannot be added once the episode has been published. Poll content must comply with our content guidelines. After a reader votes, they will be able to see the poll results.

Note: To protect the reader experience, you won’t be able to edit the poll content, or change the poll close date, once it has been published. Please double-check your poll question and answers before publishing, to ensure everything is correct.

To add a poll to your new episode:
  1. At the bottom of the episode page, write a prompt for readers in the Question field.
  2. Write answers that readers can select in the Choices fields.
  3. Choose a Close Date when voting will stop and poll results will be finalized. After the close date, the finalized poll will remain visible to you and your readers.
To see poll results once your poll is live:
  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Click Manage your story
  3. Select View poll on the episode that includes your poll.
To delete a poll from an episode:
You can delete a poll from an episode after publication.

Note: After you delete a poll, that action can’t be undone. You won’t be able to add another poll to the episode.

  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Click Manage your story
  3. Go to the episode poll section of the episode page with a published poll.
  4. Click Delete poll.
  5. At the confirmation prompt, click Delete poll to confirm.
The poll and the all results will be removed immediately. You don’t need to republish the episode.

Preview episode

View your episode as it will appear to readers. To create a consistent reading experience across all Kindle Vella episodes, we remove paragraph indentations and add a line space between paragraphs during publishing.

If you want to make changes after previewing your episode, make them directly in the online editor or in your original Microsoft Word document and import the new file.


Readers can unlock one or multiple episodes by purchasing and redeeming Tokens. Readers can read the first ten episodes in your story without redeeming Tokens. For later episodes, readers can unlock any paid episode for 10 Tokens each. You can see the number of Tokens a reader needs to unlock an episode on the Episode setup page. Learn more about Tokens and royalties.

Release date

You can publish your episode immediately or schedule publication on a future date. After your episode goes Live or is Scheduled, we'll send you an email.
  • Release now. Publish your episode immediately. After we review your content to ensure it's in compliance with our content guidelines we'll make it Live to readers.
  • Schedule release. Scheduled episodes go available on the scheduled release date if the content is in compliance with our content guidelines. Scheduled episodes go live at midnight Eastern Standard Time on the release date. You can edit scheduled episodes up to four days before the release date.
To keep the story reading experience sequential, we can only publish an episode after all previous episodes are published. If you submit multiple episodes for publication at the same time, you may see the episode status in your Kindle Vella Library for a later episode change to Live while an earlier episode is still Publishing. Episodes will not become available to readers until all previous episodes are Live. If episodes aren't Live 72 hours after they were submitted, check your email to see if there's an issue that requires an update.

Episode status

Your episode status appears in your Kindle Vella Library.

DraftYour episode is created, but not published.
In ReviewYour episode is under review to ensure it meets our content guidelines.
Failed PublishingYour episode failed publishing due to a possible technical issue. Please try republishing.
Action RequiredYour episode requires changes before it can move to Live status. Check your email for instructions.
PublishingYour episode passed review and will move to Live status shortly.
ScheduledYour episode will be available in the Kindle Vella store on the release date you scheduled.
LiveYour episode is available to readers. To keep the reading experience sequential, episodes will not become available to readers until all previous episodes are Live.
Live with Unpublished ChangesYour episode is Live, but you made changes that haven't been published. Publish your updates to make them available to readers.
BlockedYour episode is unavailable for further editing due to a violation of our content guidelines. Check the email you use to access your KDP account for details.
UnpublishedYour episode (and story) is no longer available in the Kindle Vella store.

Best practices

We’ve seen that the most successful stories on Kindle Vella have a few things in common:

  • Publish episodes frequently. Readers who are interested in a serial reading experience enjoy frequent story updates. Stories that regularly appear in the Top Faved section of the Kindle Vella store are usually updated with one or more new episodes per week.
  • Use Author Notes to connect with readers. Author notes appear to readers at the end of each episode, and are an opportunity to share excitement about the episode, tease what’s coming next, and to ask readers to engage with your story by Following or adding a Thumbs Up if they enjoyed it.
  • Share your publishing schedule with readers. Stories that are updated on a publishing schedule (e.g. new episodes on Mondays and Fridays) tend to catch the attention of readers who are looking for something regular to read and build anticipation so readers can look forward to each upcoming episode. Put your publishing day(s) in your Story Description, in your Author Notes, and/or in other marketing efforts so readers know when to expect the next episode.
  • Build your world. If you’ve published books or stories previously, readers may enjoy a story set in the same universe as your existing story. If you’re a new author, or you’re introducing a new universe through your Kindle Vella story, consider what future stories could come from this world to build your audience. Readers who Follow your story will be notified by email when you start a new story.
  • Cross-promote your stories and episode releases. Don’t shy away from letting your readers know when you release new work. Publish it in your newsletter, post on your social channels, or kick off a new social handle or group.
For more ideas for best practices, visit the KDP Community to connect with other Kindle Vella authors.

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