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Books Titles & Editions

The first thing readers see or hear about your book is the title. The title field should only contain the actual title of your book as it appears on your book cover. What you input here will show as your book’s title on your Amazon detail page. If you’re publishing a unique version of your book with the same title, it's considered a new edition. Learn about the title and edition fields in your book details.

Title best practices

  • Enter your title exactly as it reads on the cover of your book. The title field will show your book’s title on the book’s detail page in the Amazon website.
  • Ensure your title is exactly the same for your paperback, hardcover, and eBook versions. This is how they are linked together on a single detail page.
  • Don’t add anything from the following list of prohibited items in the title field:
    • Repeating generic keywords like "notebook," "journal," "gifts," "books," etc.
    • Unauthorized reference to other titles or authors
    • Unauthorized reference to a trademarked term
    • Reference to sales rank (e.g., "bestselling")
    • Reference to advertisements or promotions (e.g., "free")
    • Only Punctuation (e.g. "!!!!!!!!")
    • Using only "unknown", "n/a", "na", "blank", "none", "null", "not applicable"
    • HTML tags


A subtitle is an optional secondary title that contains additional information about the content of your book. Together, your title and subtitle must be 200 characters or less. Your subtitle should adhere to the same guidelines as your title above.

For example, Mary Shelley gave her most famous novel the title “Frankenstein”; with a subtitle of “The Modern Prometheus”. Her book can be called and is recognizable by both names. By using the subtitle “The Modern Prometheus”, she references the Greek Titan as a hint of the novel’s themes.

Note: If using a subtitle, a colon will be automatically added between the title and subtitle on the Amazon detail page.


An edition is a particular version of your book. The edition number tells readers whether the book is an original version or an updated version. Books that change frequently or go through annual updates (such as textbooks) need to have edition numbers. If this is the first time you have published this book and you anticipate future editions, enter the numeral 1. If the book was previously published and the version you are publishing contains significant changes, enter the numeral 2 (and so on).

Each time you make significant changes to your book, it is considered a new edition. Significant changes include updates to the core book details (author name, cover, title, etc.) and manuscript updates that result in page count changes by more than 10%. Updates to certain book details, sometimes called metadata, also require a new edition. These book details include, title, primary author name, ISBN, trim size, and ink and paper type.

To create a new edition of your book, repeat the process to create a new title and include the appropriate number in the Edition number field so that readers know that the book is an updated version of a previously published book. Small changes such as typos or capitalization fixes do not require a new edition number.

Note: Old editions of your book may be sold if there is still inventory available, or if a third-party seller is offering it.

Can I update my book’s title and/or edition?

You won’t be able to update your book’s title and/or edition once your book has been published, but you can publish it with the updates as a new title. See our help page to create a book. When submitting it as a new book, you're required to include the following disclaimer at the top of the description field:

"Previously published as [book title] by [author name]."
  • Significant changes to both book title and author name aren't allowed.
  • Changes such as typos or capitalization errors in your title do not require a new edition. Contact us and we will help you correct it.

Learn more about what book details can be updated.

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