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Setting Prices for Amazon Japan

A consumption tax of 10% is applied to all eBooks and print books sold to customers living in Japan. When KDP authors set list prices of eBooks for Amazon.co.jp, or when customers living in Japan purchase an eBook on Amazon.com, those prices include the consumption tax. KDP Authors set a list price excluding tax for printed book and Amazon will automatically add the consumption tax to the list price for Amazon.co.jp. This is similar to how list prices in European Union marketplaces include VAT.

Minimum and maximum list prices

Minimum and maximum list prices for the 35% and 70% royalty plans include tax.

Royalty planMinimum list priceMaximum list price
35%, files under 3 megabytes Minimum: ¥99 (tax-inclusive) Maximum: ¥20,000 (tax-inclusive)
35%, files over 3 megabytes Minimum: ¥99 (tax-inclusive) Maximum: ¥20,000 (tax-inclusive)
70% Minimum: ¥250 (tax-inclusive) Maximum: ¥1,250 (tax-inclusive)

Print book
Royalty planMinimum list priceMaximum list price
60% Minimum: Printing cost / 60% (royalty rate) = Minimum list price (tax-exclusive) Maximum: ¥30,000 (Tax exclusive)

Note:Printing Costs vary depending on your Print Book's page count and the ink type (black ink or color ink) you choose.

How JP prices affect your royalties

We will calculate your royalty on the list price after consumption tax is deducted. You may always change your list price, or your suggested royalty plan, at any time, and your sales and royalties appear in your sales reports.

Note: All orders, including pre-orders, fulfilled to Japanese customers on or after October 1, 2015, will be subject to the consumption tax.

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