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A+ Content

A+ Content allows you to add images, text, and comparison tables to your Amazon detail page to engage readers and give them more information as they consider buying your book. Add A+ Content to your detail page to make your book stand out, connect readers with your books, and share more about your author story. Get started now and browse the below Help pages to learn more.


Outlines what to include in A+ Content. Learn more.


Follow these instructions to create A+ Content.


Review examples of A+ Content you can create. Learn more.

How it works

Add A+ Content to your detail page to make your book stand out, connect readers with your books, and share more about your author story. When you add A+ Content to your detail page, it's located under the From the Publisher section. While the exact location varies, most readers will need to scroll to view the content.

You can create A+ Content from the KDP Marketing page. From there, you'll go to the A+ Content Manager to layout and submit your content. When you create A+ Content, you can choose between modules to create a layout. After you've added modules to your layout, you can re-order and remove modules, add images, and add text. Learn more about creating A+ Content.

Before you create A+ Content, review the A+ Content Guidelines. Amazon has specific terms and policies regarding types of content that may not be allowed, so review these carefully. Violating these guidelines may lead to a rejection by our system, which can require updates.

Frequently asked questions

1. To which detail pages can I add A+ Content?

A+ Content is available for published KDP books. You can create one A+ Content project and apply multiple book ASINs to it, to add A+ Content to different format detail pages.

2. Which Amazon marketplaces support A+ Content?

A+ Content must be created and published in each marketplace where you would like it displayed. From kdp.amazon.com, you can publish A+ Content in these marketplaces:
  • Amazon.ca
  • Amazon.com
  • Amazon.com.au
  • Amazon.com.br
  • Amazon.com.mx
  • Amazon.co.uk
  • Amazon.de
  • Amazon.es
  • Amazon.fr
  • Amazon.in
  • Amazon.it
  • Amazon.nl
  • From kdp.amazon.co.jp you can publish A+ Content in Amazon.co.jp The languages that A+ Content can be published in vary by marketplace. After A+ content is published, if your book is available in multiple marketplaces, we identify other marketplaces that support the language of your A+ content and copy a draft of that content into the applicable marketplaces where your book is live. Readers will see A+ Content depending on their language of preference. For example, if you publish A+ Content in Spanish on Amazon.com, only shoppers with Spanish as their language of preference on Amazon.com will see the content. Learn more about A+ marketplaces and languages.

    3. Can I add A+ Content to my book’s detail page before the book is published?

    No, you can add A+ Content to the detail page of Live titles and pre-orders. Learn more about pre-orders.

    4. Can I include customer reviews in A+ Content?

    No quotes or attributions to individuals, customers, or other private figures may be made in A+ content. A maximum of four quotes or endorsements is allowed, and these should only be from well-known publications or public figures and must be accompanied by the source, and if citing a publication, the title.

    To add Editorial Reviews to your books, check Amazon Author Central to create an Author Page and share additional information about your book. Learn more about A+ Content Guidelines.

    5. How do I include multiple images in my A+ Content?

    There are many ways to include images in your A+ Content. One way to include a series of images in your A+ Content project is to use the Standard Image & Text Overlay module. The text overlay is optional, so you can leave it blank to include full-size images. You can include the Standard Company Logo module one time per project and it's smaller than the other modules. Learn more about modules by reviewing our A+ Content examples to see different ways to use images.

    6. How long does it take A+ Content to appear on my detail page after it's published?

    All content in compliance with our A+ Content Guidelines will appear on your detail page within eight business days. If your content requires changes, we'll send you an email with further instructions.

    Note: During periods of high volume, the timeline to review your A+ Content may be extended.

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