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X-Ray for Authors

X-Ray is a unique Kindle eBook feature that allows readers to learn more about a character, topic, event, place, or any other term, simply by pressing and holding on the word or phrase that interests them. X-Ray for Authors is a free Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) tool that enables you, the author, to add your own descriptions or commentary that will show up when the reader engages the X-Ray feature. With X-Ray for Authors, you can add new X-Ray entries, edit existing ones, or enable X-Ray for a new book. X-Ray is only available for eBooks published in English.

Once your book is published, you can turn on X-Ray for any of your books using X-Ray for Authors (see steps below). To make it easy to get started, we automatically create X-Ray entries using a range of publicly available sources, machine learning, manual review, and excerpts from your book. All you have to do is review these entries, choose which ones you want to publish for readers, or replace them with your own custom commentary.

Accessing X-Ray for Authors

Reviewing and editing content

What's allowed

What's not allowed


Adding and removing content

Supported devices

Duplicate X-Ray content

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