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Update Your Book

The process to update your book depends on the status of the book you’d like to update and the type of change you want to make. The status of your book is available on your bookshelf to the right of the title. For books in “Draft” status, you can make changes to your book details, content, or cover by retuning to the title setup workflow.

For books in “Live” status, some updates can be made in the existing title setup, while other changes will require you to publish a new edition of your book. This page will detail which updates can and can’t be made and how to make them.

Key terms

  • Delete: To remove a book from your Bookshelf. You can delete books that have never been published and do not have an ISBN assigned.
  • Unpublish: To make a published book unavailable for purchase on Amazon. The book will remain visible on your bookshelf.
  • Publish: To make a book available for purchase on Amazon, or to make a new edition available after making significant changes to a previously published book.
  • Update: To make changes to a published book. Some changes can be made directly to the published version on your bookshelf. Other changes require you to publish a new edition of your book.

Use the links below for more information on each topic:

Update Your Book Details

Some book details are locked after publishing. Learn about what you can update and whether you need to publish a new edition.

Update Your Manuscript

For small changes, you can upload a revised manuscript. For significant changes, such as new chapters, publish a new edition. Learn how to update your manuscript.

Update Your Cover

Whether you use Cover Creator or uploaded your own cover, you can update your cover art and fix typos in your cover and re-upload the updated file. Learn how to update your cover.

Unpublishing and Deleting Books

You can delete draft books without an ISBN assigned from your Bookshelf. Published books can't be deleted from your Bookshelf, but can be unpublished so they're no longer available for sale.

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