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Once you’ve submitted your book or update for publication, it takes 3 to 10 business days for your book or update to be Live on Amazon. The time it takes to publish depends on the book type.

Note: The timelines listed below are estimates only. Technical delays occasionally change the exact time by a few minutes to several hours, but in rare cases the difference may be longer.


New publications

When will...Timeline
My eBook’s detail page appear?Up to 72 hours
My cover thumbnail appear on the detail page?Up to 72 hours
My eBook be linked to the paperback or hardcover edition?48 hours to 1 week after each edition is live*
My eBook's "Read Sample" (Look Inside The Book) feature be available?7–8 business days
My book be displayed in search results?Up to 72 hours after your book is live

*It usually takes 3–5 days for customer reviews to be copied from the paperback or hardcover edition to the eBook edition.

Updates to published books

When will...Timeline
Updates to my author name (contributors), title, description, publisher, ISBN, keywords appear?48 hours
Updates to my categories appear?72 hours*
Updates to my eBook manuscript appear?72 hours**
Updates to my eBook cover appear?72 hours
My eBook's "Read Sample" (Look Inside The Book) feature be updated?7-8 business days
Updates to my list price appear?24 hours
My unpublished eBook become unavailable for purchase?24–72 hours
My unpublished eBook become unsearchable on Amazon?Minimum of one week
My republished eBook be available for purchase?12 hours for titles in English; 48 hours for titles in other languages
Updates to sales rank appear?Rank is updated hourly but may take 24–48 hours to appear after the first completed sale.*
*When categories are changed, sales rank updates can take up to 1 week to update on the website.
**Updated manuscript content will be available in the "Read Sample" (Look Inside The Book) feature within 7 business days after you make the changes.
***Due to Whispersync processing, eBooks with associated Audible audiobooks can take up to 7 days to go live.

KDP Select

When will...Timeline
My free promotion start and end?Start and end dates are usually midnight Pacific Time.* For example, if you enter a start date of January 3 and an end date of January 7, your deal will begin at midnight on January 3 and run for four days (January 3, 4, 5 and 6) until it ends at midnight on January 7.
My free promotion end? I stopped it.If you stop a free promotion in progress, the free promotion will generally end within a few minutes to few hours after you select Stop, but in some cases this period may be longer.
I be able to schedule my free promotion?Promotions must be scheduled at least the day before your desired start date, but you can schedule them as far in advance as you would like. For example, if you want to begin a promotion on January 1, you can schedule it at any time up until December 31. If you schedule your promotion the day before you want it to begin, it may take up to four hours after the promotion is scheduled for it to begin. Any promotions scheduled before 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time the day before their scheduled start date will begin at approximately midnight. Anything scheduled after 8:00 p.m. Pacific time that day will begin within four hours of the time it was scheduled.
I be able to update a Live book scheduled for a free promotion?You can update your Live book at any time.
My KDP Select–enrolled book be renewed?Every KDP Select–enrolled title will be automatically renewed every 90 days from the time you first enrolled it, unless you opt out through the KDP website before the next renewal.
I be paid my share of the KDP Select Global Fund? There was no announcement.You will be paid your share, in full, within 60 days for the preceding month's activity.
I be able to schedule my Kindle Countdown Deal?Kindle Countdown Deals must be scheduled 24 hours before your desired start date or as far in advance as you want. For example, to begin a promotion on January 10, you can schedule it any time before January 9.


When will...Timeline
I need to submit the final manuscript for my pre-order book?You can upload your manuscript up to 72 hours before your release date. Note that you will not be able to make updates to your manuscript or book details within 72 hours of your release date. For the most accurate timeline, see the timer at the top of the title setup page in your Bookshelf.
My pre-order book release?We will release your book on the date that your choose when setting up your book. To confirm this date, you can check your book‘s setup page in your Bookshelf.
I be paid for royalties for my pre-order book?Approximately 60 days after the end of the month once you meet the monthly minimum sales threshold.
The review of my eBook be complete?Titles are typically reviewed and published within 24 to 72 hours.
My pre-order book that's under review become available for editing again?This depends on when you upload your manuscript. If it's uploaded weeks prior to the release date, then your book should be editable after we complete the review.

If your manuscript is uploaded close to your submission deadline, then your book will be editable after its release.

Refer to the question above for how long it takes to review an eBook.
For more information on how to check the status of your pre-order book, visit our pre-order page.


When will...Timeline
My campaign data be updated?Campaign metrics may take up to 14 days to appear and do not include Kindle Unlimited or Kindle Owner Lending Library royalties generated by the ad.
My Amazon Advertising account be closed?3 business days
I stop accruing clicks and charges when I stop or pause a campaign?You may continue to accrue clicks and charges for an additional 24 hours.*
The review of my ad be done?Up to 3 days after submission
My ad restart? I had a billing issue and had to update my credit card details.1 hour to 3 business days
The changes I made to my book details or price show up?Up to 3 days
Sales resulting from my ad appear?Up to 14 days
When will ad data (e.g., clicks, impressions, sales) show in my reports after I edit my ad?Your new campaign will update immediately. However, ad data may take 3 to 14 days to show in your reports.

*Kindle E-readers track impressions, clicks, and sales made offline. When customers connect to the Internet, charges can accrue for up to 10 days after your campaign has ended. These charges are legitimate, but their reporting was delayed. Your final charges will never be more than your campaign budget.


When will...Timeline
The book I gifted show up as a sale in my reports?When a Kindle book is gifted, it will show up as a sale only when the recipient redeems the gift. Recipients can redeem their codes at any time - there is no time limit on redemption. However, a gift sale counts toward sales rank only if the gift is redeemed within 24 hours.
Gift recipients no longer be able to return the gift?7 days after downloading

Paperback and hardcover

New publications

When will...Timeline
My paperback or hardcover book’s detail page appear?Up to 72 hours for Amazon.com; up to 5 days for other marketplaces*

For low-content books, it can take up to 10 business days.
My cover thumbnail appear on the detail page?Up to 72 hours
My paperback or hardcover be linked to the eBook edition?48 hours to 1 week after each version is live**
My paperback or hardcover show as "in stock"?Up to 72 hours for Amazon.com; up to 5 days for other marketplaces
My paperback or hardcover's "Read Sample" (Look Inside The Book) feature be available?9–10 business days***

*It can take up to 30 days for the detail page to appear on Amazon.ca.
**Editions link automatically if the metadata for both editions exactly match. However, this can take several days after your books' Amazon detail pages are created.
***The "Read Sample" (Look Inside The Book) feature is not supported for low-content books published without an ISBN. Learn more about low-content books.

Updates to published books

When will...Timeline
Updates to my paperback or hardcover manuscript appear?Up to 72 hours

For low-content books, it can take up to 10 business days.
Updates to my paperback or hardcover cover appear?Up to 72 hours
My paperback or hardcover's "Read Sample" (Look Inside The Book) feature  be updated?9-10 business days
Updates to my list price appear?72 hours to 5 business days depending on the significance of the change
My unpublished paperback or hardcover become unavailable to buy?24–72 hours
My republished paperback or hardcover be available for purchase?Up to 72 hours for Amazon.com; up to 5 days for other marketplaces.

For low-content books, it can take up to 10 business days.
Updates to sales rank appear?Rank is updated hourly but may take 24–48 hours to appear after the first completed sale*

**When categories are changed, sales rank updates can take up to 1 week to update on the website.

Release Date

When will...Timeline
I need to submit the final manuscript for my release date?You will need to submit the final manuscript of your book with at least five days prior the scheduled release date.

After you schedule your book's release, you'll see a timer on top of your book's setup pages that keeps track of your deadline.
My book release?We will release your book on the date that you choose when setting up your book. To confirm this date, you can check your book‘s setup page in your Bookshelf.
I be paid for royalties for my book?Approximately 60 days after the end of the month once you meet the monthly minimum sales threshold.
The review of my book be complete?Up to 72 hours.
My release date book that's under review become available for editing again?This depends on the status of your release date book. For more information, visit our Release Date page.


When will...Timeline
My campaign data be updated?Campaign metrics may take up to 14 days to appear and do not include Kindle Unlimited or Kindle Owner Lending Library royalties generated by the ad.
My Amazon Advertising account be closed?3 business days
I stop accruing clicks and charges when I stop or pause a campaign?You may continue to accrue clicks and charges for an additional 24 hours.*
The review of my ad be done?Up to 3 days after submission
My ad restart? I had a billing issue and had to update my credit card details.1 hour to 3 business days
The changes I made to my book details or price show up?Up to 3 days
Sales resulting from my ad appear?Up to 14 days
When will ad data (e.g., clicks, impressions, sales) show in my reports after I edit my ad?Your new campaign will update immediately. However, ad data may take 3 to 14 days to show in your reports.


When will...Timeline
My series page appear?Up to 72 hours
The new title I added to my series show up on my series page?Up to 72 hours
Updates to my series page appear on my series page?Up to 72 hours

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